The Weekly Bookmark March 03, 1996 - Vol 2, No. 12 __________________________________________________________ Table of Contents On My End - Note from the Editor Cultural and Countercultural Chicago - Part 2 of 2 Supporters of the Weekly Bookmark Out There - Places to Visit Weekly Bookmark Information Meet The Staff - Contact Info __________________________________________________________ On My End Matt Alberts The Weekly Bookmark is a bit late this week due to major system failures. I lost the home machine Wednesday morning and finally have it up and running today. So, as I promised, I am sending out the Weekend Edition with Marian Hank's article on Chicago (part 2). I will also be sending out another issue tomorrow evening to make up for the time lost. Enjoy this issue of the Weekly Bookmark! __________________________________________________________ Cultural and Countercultural Chicago Marian Hank NOTE: To view the pages noted in this article, you must jump to Downtown you'll find Louis Sullivan's Auditorium Theatre and uptown you'll find the Green Mill Jazz Club. Spend an evening at the Lyric Opera or hear definitive Chicago blues on Halsted Street. Chicago museums house some of the most respected collections in the world and avant-garde art, music and fashion are so commonplace in Wicker Park that they are almost mainstream. By Day Living in Chicago is like living in a 3-D picture book for great architecture. If you live here or come to visit virtually or physically, please be sure to stop at the Chicago Architectural Foundation site, which will help you appreciate the scope of the city's architectural heritage. Please also stop at the Chicago Historical Society where "you can see the city's history unfold in all its glorious dimensions. Chicago's high culture and its everyday life. Our groundbreaking architecture and our brawny politics. The industries that made the city what it is -- from railroads, meat packing, and steel . . . to tootsie rolls, bicycles, and lava lamps." I mean how can I help but love living in a city responsible for both skyscrapers and some of the world's grooviest sixties memorabilia. For me, one of life's great pleasures is taking a trip to the library or a museum. The Chicago Public Library is featured on the web and other local collections are featured on the Chica go Area Libraries searchable page. A personal favorite as a museum and as a website is the Field Museum of Natural History. Be sure to take the Virtual Tour of some of their fine exhibits while you are there. If you're a lover of the stars, then you'll enjoy the Adler Planetarium The Chelsey Bonestell pages feature a virtual tour of his paintings from the 1940s and 50s- "a time during which far reaching astronomers dreamed of voyaging through space to distant moons and planets." The Museum of Science and Industry Web offers information about a number of exhibits, including Coleen Moore's Fairy Castle (a childhood favorite of mine) and the Artifacts from Our Curator's Closets page is worth a peek. While we're touring the science and natural history museums, a quick stop at the Chicago Academy of Sciences homepage is in order. One of our more unique offerings is the Museum of Broadcast Communications. The Television Exhibit Gallery has some incredible quick time movies that you can download and other sections of the web are beginning to archive some of the incredible audio-visual resources that are in the museums collections. This site is growing into a rare treat for audiophiles and early television fanatics. I've lost myself for hours in the collections at the famous Art Institute of Chicago which houses some very well known including A Sunday on La Grande Jatte. The Oriental Institute Museum is a true Chicago treasure and the Smart Museum of Art has a very detailed web site. Try the Randolph Street Gallery and the Museum of Contemporary Art if your tastes run toward modern art. And By Night If you're not to worn out from all that museum hopping, you may want to explore some of the the great performance venues Chicago has to offer. The city is blessed with a wealth of local talent so one is never at a loss for somewhere to go for a night on the town. This is a great place for theatre and you'll find the most information compiled at the Chicago Theatre Homepage which includes a page of links to Chicago theatre companies that have found homes on the web. Following the links on that page will give you a wonderful sampling of the diverse offerings of Chicago area theatres. If you like stand-up or improvisation, then a stop at the Chicago Comedy Web is also in order. Chicago is a city that holds many musical delights for both those that love to sit in Grant Park and listen to the orchestra and those whose cultural taste runs more for towards catching a good band while enjoying a brew. Speaking of which, let's visit two wonderful websites that truly performs a useful service, The Chicago Shows List. Here you will find a pretty comprehensive listing of local bands --mostly rock-- playing at local venues (sorted by date and location.) If you prefer classical music, then the Chicago Concert Search is the spot you'll want to visit. There is no argument that Chicago is one of the best places in the world to hear top artists. The Blues in Chicago pages will help you find the best blues around and Big John's Jazz Happenings covers all the clubs and artists playing jazz around town. I haven't covered everything Chicago has to offer, but I hope that this tour has given you a taste of the wonderful diversity of this city. We'll have to leave the gangster era and the grand political structure of Chicago for another article sometime. For now, it is Friday Night here in Chicago, and for some strange reason I feel very inspired to go out and experience some of the things I've been exploring in a less virtual manner. __________________________________________________________ Supporters Imaginary Landscape ( Hand-Woven Web Sites It All Begins With Your Ideas New Internet User? Visit Our Help Web __________________________________________________________ Out There Art and Literature Archaeology Magazine Archaeology Magazine's web site includes the covers, contents, newsbriefs, and abstracts of current and recent back issues, plus a page of links to the best archaeology pages on the web. We hope soon to launch an online edition with its own feature stories and the hottest archaeological news, updated daily. URL: Submitted By: Andrew Slayman, Archaeology Magazine Essays on the Craft of Dramatic Writing! This web site offers step by step instruction on how to create and write dramatic stories. A number of essays on the site are used by teachers or screenwriting courses, including Charles Deemer, webmaster of the screenwriters home page. URL: Submitted By: Bill Johnson Computers Lawrence Goetz's Shareware Shareware for MS Windows I've made, plus my favorite places to go on the internet. URL: Submitted By: Lawrence Goetz Education Socorro ISD These are the web pages for the Socorro Independent School Disrtict El Paso, Texas. URL: Submitted By: John Tomas Entertainment The Official I HATE Tommy Hillfiger Page All about why I hATe Tommy clothing......! URL: Submitted By: brad damico Government Lamar Watch Lamar Watch, updated daily by The Knoxville News-Sentinel, covers the presidential campaign of Tennessee's Lamar Alexander. Includes stories and editorial cartoons from The Knoxville News-Sentinel, wire stories, related links and more. URL: Submitted By: Jack Lail Internet CTWebOpp: Let Us SHOCK Your Web Site!! Come and see an example of Macromedia's SHOCKWAVE animation in action at our web site, and imagine your web site getting SHOCKED too!! Get in on the cutting edge of web technology! We have the expertise to plan, design and create a new or improved web site for you. URL: Submitted By: Karen Dealy all4one Search Machine See Simultaneous Results from Yahoo, Lycos, Webcrawler and Alta Vista, side by side in 4 Netscape 'Frames'. A completely UNIQUE way to search the web. URL: Submitted By: John E. Haag Recreation WomenSports WomenSports is a one-stop site for information about female athletes and issues that affect them. We cover such sports as basketball, tennis, golf, and events such as the Olympics. URL: Submitted By: Thalia L. Hooker ThE SkATe PaGe A page all about agressive in-line skating. Has pictures, product reviews, and other tidbits! URL: Submitted By: Brad Damico Regional South Florida Search Directory A new search Directory for South Florida URL: Submitted By: Carl Neusch World Wide Business City A regional site offering pages and classifieds .. fully searchable. URL: Submitted By: Christina Dalton Society and Culture The Truth Of Jesus Christ This site is for those seeking the truth regarding Jesus Christ based on the Scriptures. URL: Submitted By: Abelardo Jon Arias _________________________________________________________________ Weekly Bookmark Information The Weekly Bookmark Hompage: The Weekly Bookmark Archives: The Weekly Bookmark Index: Subscribe/Unsubscribe via WWW form: Subscribe/Unsubscribe via E-mail: Include the following in the BODY Subscribe WeeklyB or Unsubscribe WeeklyB. Submit a Site: Send Feedback: _________________________________________________________________ Meet The Staff Editor - Matt Alberts Assistant Editor - Holly Drake Webmaster - Matt Alberts Writers Marian Hank Submitters Ted Nellen Marian Hank Want to help? Read our Help Wanted section. _________________________________________________________________ (C) Copyright 1996 by Matt Alberts - All Right Reserved Comments? Ideas? Send mail to